Shawn’s Myth, Truth, Action

Chronic Migraine Awareness would like to thank Shawn Lovato for sharing


It’s just a headache, Tylenol will help.  Or: “Come to the party and then you can go lay down when you get home”.


Hemoplegic migraines began when my first baby was three months old, 44 years ago. Chronic pain every day, visual aura, speech, etc. People have no idea how lights, noise, smells and pain are involved in trying to attend gatherings.


Give yourself grace, you are precious, breathe! To be more present with my littles, I have rolling Doctor Toys and Kits so they can take care of grandma (me) while I’m in bed. 

Keep researching and praying for new treatments. 

Love you all my fellow Warriors


If you would like to share your migraine story with us please email

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