C Michelle’s Myth, Truth, Action

Chronic Migraine Awareness would like to thank C Michelle Adams for sharing

C Michelle shares a short version with us as she is hurting while writing this. She has been searching for answers more than half of her life, as she just celebrated her 51st birthday. But she wanted to highlight this. 

Myth: All bad headaches are migraines. 

Truth: There are over 300 different headache diseases, including migraines and cluster migraine. Treatments and medications depend on the type of headache or migraine you are experiencing. 

Action: I was treated for years with migraine medications that never worked. They didn’t work because I don’t have migraines. It is likely I have Trigeminal Neuralgia type 2. 

C Michelle Adams 

If you would like to share your story please email it to kristen@cmaware.org

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