Gelcys’s Myth, Truth, Action

Chronic Migraine Awareness would like to thank Gelcys Castaneda for sharing

1.- Myth: It’s all in your head- Migraine is a mental health disorder

     Fact: Migraine is NOT a mental health disorder. Migraine is a disabling neurological disease. It requires medication, care, and constant observation with many trips to the ER to get relief.

My action step: Since Migraine is an invisible disease, sharing my personal experience when I have an attack, my symptoms of nausea, throbbing head pain, visual disturbance, light/sound/smell sensitivity, brain fog, and the list goes on.

2.- Myth: You are probably dehydrated if you get migraine attacks so often.

     Fact: The problem is, there are so many other triggers that cause the attack while you are completely hydrated and dehydration will not be the cause.

My action step: Since dehydration is one of the top reasons for migraine attack triggers, I always have a bottle of Liquid IV nearby, because it hydrates me quickly. That way when I get a migraine attack, I can rule out dehydration as a reason for the attack.

3.- Myth: Caffeine causes migraine attacks.

     Fact: Caffeine does not cause migraine, but it can be a trigger for some people. For others, drinking caffeine at the onset of an attack, it can lower the intensity and can help alleviate some of the pain. It certainly does for me therefore I always have coca cola handy.

My action step: Caffeine definitely is a trigger, but studies have shown that when taken in moderation it will keep a migraine attack under control. Some medications contain caffeine to help relieve migraine pain.


If you would like to share your migraine story please email

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