Dear Migraine…

Chronic Migraine Awareness Inc would like to thank Tasmin for sharing her Dear Migraine letter with us

Dear Migraine,

The morning rays appeared through the curtains, bright, harsh, and blinding. For a non-migraine sufferer, this day brings new  hopes and aspirations. 

The realization of waking up with another headache induces crippling anxiety.

The same headache visited me yesterday and the day before that. In fact, for most of my life, I’ve had a headache every day, all day. 

We’ve spent the best years of my life together: wherever I land, you entrap me, lurking in the shadows, waiting to bring me to my knees.

Today, I embrace you, I embrace the incessant waves of nauseousness, the tightening band around my head, and the peircing pain behind my eyes. 

For you, have taught me how to be resilient, how to assemble a quick “I’m fine” chirp to avoid disillusionment, and foremost to lean on my support system.

I am positive we will meet again in the near future. If so, step gently, go easy, and be kind. 


The silent sufferer, 


Hello from South Africa

If you would like to share your migraine experience with us please email it to

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